
Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Kanpur

The attributes of a knowledge society are described in many different ways. In any case the two key attributes are: one, the access to relevant knowledge should be pervasive among all sections of the society, all age groups and all occupation categories; and two, the access to knowledge should not be restricted by exploitative tendencies and unfair social norms. The explosive growth of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has brought within easy reach a large variety of the sources of existing knowledge, often packaged in forms that can be easily availed.

At the same time, the new technologies also provide access to mind boggling volumes of data and information that can have considerable value to generation of new knowledge. However this would require special ability to extract the useful data and information by discarding the irrelevant and spurious data and information. Such a discriminative capability is mainly dependent upon the nature of education system at all levels. The character of the education system will determine the characteristics of the knowledge society. This paper describes the nature of educational improvements that can facilitate this process.

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