Anita Rampal

Curriculum Contestations: Knowledge, Pedagogy and Texts

Anita Rampal
Professor, Elementary and Social Education,
Department of Education, Delhi University

This presentation locates the contestations over curriculum and textbook development in Kerala within larger theoretical and policy debates on ‘decentralisation’ of curriculum construction. It analyses how ‘standardisation’ and centralisation have been invoked in some countries, in the name of better ‘control’ over decision making and higher ‘efficiency’, while on the other hand, ‘autonomy’, ‘accountability through participation’ and a ‘humanist’ democratic engagement with the aims of education are seen as elements of decentralisation. It looks at the pedagogical challenges and dilemmas of espousing a ‘critical pedagogy’ through a ‘constructivist’ approach, within the state and at the national level, and calls for a deeper engagement with the processes of children’s learning in diverse cultural contexts.

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